Saturday, November 15, 2014

Ripping CD to .opus with Audex on Debian

The Opus codec is basically the one codec to rule them all. It is an open standard (RFC 6716) and it outperforms almost all other codecs, open and proprietary, over a huge range of bitrates. It also has a very low latency which is important for internet applications involving real-time communications and it is already supported by modern browsers like Firefox, Chrome, and Opera. But if you want to start storing your music in the best available format, you might have difficulty finding convenient tools that support it. Well, here is one that worked for me, so I’ll share it. It was pretty simple, although not entirely obvious.

Audex is a graphical CD ripper for KDE. It does not support ripping to Opus out-of-box, but it does have a feature to add a new encoder. For this, we will just use the command-line encoder found in opus-tools, so install the packages audex and opus-tools. Now, when you run Audex, go to “Settings” > “Configure Audex...”, select the “Profiles” section, and then “Add...”. Name the new profile “Opus”. Under the “Encoder” tab, select “Custom” from the first drop down. Under “Command pattern:”, put in “opusenc $i $o”, and under “Suffix:” put in “opus”. You can look at some of the other options if you wish (I set mine to replace spaces with underscores), but that is all that is necessary to get it working. Save your new profile, select the profile from the main window, and begin ripping your favorite discs.

If you also want to capture metadata, you will need a newer version of opus-tools than what is in Wheezy. You can download the source, and build it yourself. You will need to have the wheezy-backports repository enabled to get some of the dependencies:

sudo aptitude -t wheezy-backports install libogg-dev libflac-dev libopus-dev

Once the dependencies are met, you should be able to configure and install opus-tools:

cd opus-tools-src-dir
sudo make install

Now, you can change the “Command pattern:” in Audex to “opusenc --title "$ttitle" --artist "$tartist" --album "$title" --date "date" --genre "$genre" $i $o”. This will capture metadata and embed it in your new Opus files.

Update: If you are looking to get better compression for speech recordings, such as lectures, sermons, speeches, etc, see this post.

1 comment:

  1. To add track number, and album art. :-)

    opusenc $i --comment="TRACKNUMBER="$trackno"" --artist "$artist" --album "$title" --title "$ttitle" --date "$date" --picture "$cover" $o
